Tarot & Rune Readings

Live Rune Readings and Tarot Readings
via Skype – Google chat – iChat – or Telephone 


My Reading Style

Your future is NOT set in stone… You always have the possibility to change it.

IMG_3322The readings I give might be a little different to what you are expecting.
My focus is in showing you what is going on in your life in the present moment. I try to bring you to a place where you can see what has happened to bring you to this point (your present) and most probably where you will end up if you continue along the same path without changing anything.

You are always free however to change your present and your possible futures. Once you see and realise where you are at and how you got there it becomes a lot easier to intentionally change your direction if needed.

The whole process is very personal and in depth. I encourage dialogue and feedback at all times in the reading as this will make for a more powerful and personal interpretation of the cards and/or runestones. On the contrary, without the feedback I will be simply using my psychic abilities to impress instead of discussing your situation and your personal feelings.

For a Personal live Tarot reading by telephone or video conferencing see the Readings page 


Rune Readings – Using the Eldar Futhark Runes

IMG_3249As a natural psychic in a long line of psychics I use the Runes merely as one of my psychic tools and rely on my intuition combined with the energies portrayed by the Rune stones. I do not do a traditional spread but an ancient Rune Casting where the Runes are thrown down… the position in which they naturally fall plays a large part in the interpretation.

Click here to arrange a personal Rune reading via Skype or telephone

My personal special – Runes and Angels

Over the last few years I have been developing an in depth reading whereby I cast the runes and then confirm or drill deeper into the reading with the use of Angel cards. I lay the angel cards on the same table as the runes which provides extra insight into the reading.   

Although this may seem a little unorthodox and appear to be of conflicting cultures it actually works very well indeed and is increasingly popular amongst my clients.  

Tarot Parties

I also organise Tarot or Rune parties where you organise with a group of friends or family and I give personal readings to each person. This can be from a morning, afternoon or evening to a whole day or even a whole weekend. Please consult for a special price. (Transport will need to be included from Sevilla in the south of Spain.)  


5 thoughts on “Tarot & Rune Readings”

  1. Buenos días, desde Argentina. Quisiera saber cómo hago para ver tus videos semanales para el aprendizaje de las Runas. Muchas gracias.

  2. Hola,
    Puedes contactar conmigo a través de impreso en la página de contacto… Estas peticiones las veo enseguida y respondo rapido.


  3. Hey!! Acabo de ver tu video de runas en YouTube y luego vi esta página, me encantaría poder hacer una sesión ! Me gustaría saber cómo puedo hacer para contactarte

  4. Thank you Andy,

    You have given me hope, and you have also shown me how to see my business in a way I would never have thought of.

    I like the depth of your readings and the Angel’s advice.

    I will ask you for advice each time I have doubts about anything important.

    Thank you very much

  5. My experience with Andy’s divine tarot reading has been exceptionaly wonderful. He is a patient listener, amazingly insightful and a thorough professional. Basicaly I realise he is a very compassionate, helpful and friendly human being bcoz of which I could easily talk and connect with him. I found his intuitions about my emotional situation very accurate and guiding. I recommend Andy’s tarot reading to anyone going thru stress or emotional turmoil, for peace and light. I wish him all goodluck & blessings in life.

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